| Vector2 () noexcept |
| Construct a zero vector.
| Vector2 (const Vector2 &vector) noexcept=default |
| Copy-construct from another vector.
| Vector2 (const IntVector2 &vector) noexcept |
| Construct from an IntVector2.
| Vector2 (float x, float y) noexcept |
| Construct from coordinates.
| Vector2 (const float *data) noexcept |
| Construct from a float array.
Vector2 & | operator= (const Vector2 &rhs) noexcept=default |
| Assign from another vector.
bool | operator== (const Vector2 &rhs) const |
| Test for equality with another vector without epsilon.
bool | operator!= (const Vector2 &rhs) const |
| Test for inequality with another vector without epsilon.
Vector2 | operator+ (const Vector2 &rhs) const |
| Add a vector.
Vector2 | operator- () const |
| Return negation.
Vector2 | operator- (const Vector2 &rhs) const |
| Subtract a vector.
Vector2 | operator* (float rhs) const |
| Multiply with a scalar.
Vector2 | operator* (const Vector2 &rhs) const |
| Multiply with a vector.
Vector2 | operator/ (float rhs) const |
| Divide by a scalar.
Vector2 | operator/ (const Vector2 &rhs) const |
| Divide by a vector.
Vector2 & | operator+= (const Vector2 &rhs) |
| Add-assign a vector.
Vector2 & | operator-= (const Vector2 &rhs) |
| Subtract-assign a vector.
Vector2 & | operator*= (float rhs) |
| Multiply-assign a scalar.
Vector2 & | operator*= (const Vector2 &rhs) |
| Multiply-assign a vector.
Vector2 & | operator/= (float rhs) |
| Divide-assign a scalar.
Vector2 & | operator/= (const Vector2 &rhs) |
| Divide-assign a vector.
void | Normalize () |
| Normalize to unit length.
float | Length () const |
float | LengthSquared () const |
float | DotProduct (const Vector2 &rhs) const |
| Calculate dot product.
float | AbsDotProduct (const Vector2 &rhs) const |
| Calculate absolute dot product.
float | ProjectOntoAxis (const Vector2 &axis) const |
| Project vector onto axis.
float | Angle (const Vector2 &rhs) const |
| Returns the angle between this vector and another vector in degrees.
Vector2 | Abs () const |
| Return absolute vector.
Vector2 | Lerp (const Vector2 &rhs, float t) const |
| Linear interpolation with another vector.
bool | Equals (const Vector2 &rhs) const |
| Test for equality with another vector with epsilon.
bool | IsNaN () const |
| Return whether any component is NaN.
bool | IsInf () const |
| Return whether any component is Inf.
Vector2 | Normalized () const |
| Return normalized to unit length.
Vector2 | NormalizedOrDefault (const Vector2 &defaultValue=Vector2::ZERO, float eps=M_LARGE_EPSILON) const |
| Return normalized to unit length or zero if length is too small.
Vector2 | ReNormalized (float minLength, float maxLength, const Vector2 &defaultValue=Vector2::ZERO, float eps=M_LARGE_EPSILON) const |
| Return normalized vector with length in given range.
const float * | Data () const |
| Return float data.
String | ToString () const |
| Return as string.