Open-source, cross-platform 2D and 3D game engine built in C++
This is the complete list of members for Urho3D::Ray, including all inherited members.
ClosestPoint(const Ray &ray) const | Urho3D::Ray | |
Define(const Vector3 &origin, const Vector3 &direction) | Urho3D::Ray | inline |
direction_ | Urho3D::Ray | |
Distance(const Vector3 &point) const | Urho3D::Ray | inline |
HitDistance(const Plane &plane) const | Urho3D::Ray | |
HitDistance(const BoundingBox &box) const | Urho3D::Ray | |
HitDistance(const Frustum &frustum, bool solidInside=true) const | Urho3D::Ray | |
HitDistance(const Sphere &sphere) const | Urho3D::Ray | |
HitDistance(const Vector3 &v0, const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2, Vector3 *outNormal=nullptr, Vector3 *outBary=nullptr) const | Urho3D::Ray | |
HitDistance(const void *vertexData, unsigned vertexStride, unsigned vertexStart, unsigned vertexCount, Vector3 *outNormal=nullptr, Vector2 *outUV=nullptr, unsigned uvOffset=0) const | Urho3D::Ray | |
HitDistance(const void *vertexData, unsigned vertexStride, const void *indexData, unsigned indexSize, unsigned indexStart, unsigned indexCount, Vector3 *outNormal=nullptr, Vector2 *outUV=nullptr, unsigned uvOffset=0) const | Urho3D::Ray | |
InsideGeometry(const void *vertexData, unsigned vertexSize, unsigned vertexStart, unsigned vertexCount) const | Urho3D::Ray | |
InsideGeometry(const void *vertexData, unsigned vertexSize, const void *indexData, unsigned indexSize, unsigned indexStart, unsigned indexCount) const | Urho3D::Ray | |
operator!=(const Ray &rhs) const | Urho3D::Ray | inline |
operator=(const Ray &rhs) noexcept=default | Urho3D::Ray | |
operator==(const Ray &rhs) const | Urho3D::Ray | inline |
origin_ | Urho3D::Ray | |
Project(const Vector3 &point) const | Urho3D::Ray | inline |
Ray() noexcept=default | Urho3D::Ray | |
Ray(const Vector3 &origin, const Vector3 &direction) noexcept | Urho3D::Ray | inline |
Ray(const Ray &ray) noexcept=default | Urho3D::Ray | |
Transformed(const Matrix3x4 &transform) const | Urho3D::Ray |